Have you ever talked with a co-worker about your car insurance rates? Why, you may ask, are they paying less than you? Most insurance companies look at several factors to calculate how much you should pay for car insurance. Some key factors include; the type of vehicle you drive, how often and far do you drive, and your driving record.
Car Insurance Discount You Should Know
1. Traffic School Course
In Minnesota, if you attend a traffic school course you can lower your car insurance rate. These courses are offered both online and in a classroom setting. This information will provide knowledge on Minnesota traffic laws and safety, defensive driving techniques, and learning how to share the road. Traffic School courses can take anywhere from four to twelve hours to complete.
2. Good Student Discount
Anytime a parent hands their car keys to their new teenager driver; it can be a stressful experience. Maintaining the correct auto insurance is very important, so you should ask your insurance agent if you qualify for a good student discount.
To qualify for this discount, your son or daughter must be 16-24 years old. They need to be a high school or full-time college student. Most important, they must maintain a B average or higher.
3. Multi-Policy Discount
If you own insurance policies, consider bundling them with your car insurance. It could save you money!
4. Car Safety Features
Does your vehicle come equipped with safety equipment your insurance agent should know about when giving you a quote? Features such as anti-lock brakes, air bags, or daytime running lights could qualify for certain discounts.
5. 55 Alive Course
If you are a Minnesota senior driver, you can save on your auto insurance after completing an eight-hour defensive driver training course. This course is an easy way to refresh your driving skills and save you money!
6. Good Driver Discounts
If you have no accidents or tickets on your record, you could qualify for a discount. The term “good driver” is defined in different ways depending on your insurance company. If you have zero moving violations or at-fault accidents on your record from the last three to five years, you may qualify.
7. Low-Mileage Discount
If you drive under 7,500 miles per year, you may qualify for a low-mileage discount. Contact your agent to find out more details and if this discount could benefit you.
At Meyer-Peltier Insurance, we have been providing insurance for individuals, families, and businesses for nearly 40 years. Call us today to learn or get a quote.